Oct 7 - 11


Teams Launch Week

A full week of feature launches designed to supercharge your team's productivity

Want to try Shortwave with your team? Email sales@shortwave.com or schedule a one-on-one demo call with our team.

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Oct 7, 2024

An email thread that demonstrates adding team-viewable-only comments

Day 1

Share & discuss emails with your team

In business, email is a team sport. Whether you're an executive pitching a job candidate, a sales rep closing a deal, or a support agent tracking down a bug, you know that getting the right people involved and up to speed as quickly as possible is critical.

Oct 8, 2024

Shows the AI snippets picker to select a particular template to insert

Day 2

AI Snippets — shared email templates for your team

AI Snippets are smart templates for your team that help you share common email content and automate filling in the details

Oct 9, 2024

A series of checkboxes getting selected to apply shared labels

Day 3

Shared labels for your team

Apply shared labels to build a shared, AI-searchable email archive that your whole team can access

Oct 10, 2024

A blurred out image for the fourth day of the launch week

Oct 11, 2024

A blurred out image for the fifth day of the launch week