Download Shortwave for desktop

Shortwave has desktop apps for Mac and Windows for seamless native email experience. You can also install the Android and iOS mobile apps to access your inbox on the go.

macOS app

  1. Click Download for macOS to get the desktop app from
  2. Once downloaded, open the Shortwave installer in Downloads folder
  3. Drag the Shortwave app to you Mac's Applications folder
  4. Click on Shortwave to launch the app
  5. Right-click the app icon in your Dock and select Options > Keep in Dock to easily access Shortwave
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to log into your Google account

Windows app

This is currently in early access. If you have feedback about the Windows desktop app, let us know here

  1. Install the Windows app from this link
  2. If Windows Defender pops up, click "More info" then "Open anyway"
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to log into your Google account

Progressive web app

For other platforms like Linux, Shortwave supports installing progressive web apps (PWA) on Chromium-based browsers that look and feel like a desktop app.

  1. Go to in Chrome, Edge, or any other Chromium-based browser except Arc.
  2. Click the install button at the end of the address bar
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions
  4. To run the app on startup, go to about://apps in your browser
  5. Right click Shortwave
  6. Select Start app when you sign in

Don't see the install button?

  • Our app currently isn't supported with Firefox as the default browser
  • If you've installed the app previously, you may see the option to open Shortwave in your URL bar:


Arc does not currently support installing progressive web apps (PWA) directly. However, you can still use Shortwave by visiting in your Arc browser, or by downloading the PWA via Chrome.