Integrate Shortwave with your CRM

Looking to track your messages in CRM like HubSpot or Salesforce? Shortwave's automatic BCC setting combined with automatic forwarding lets you keep everything in sync.

Use automatic BCC to log outgoing emails in your CRM

Automatic BCC lets you automatically add a set of predefined email addresses to the BCC line of your outgoing emails. This allows you to easily capture your outgoing customer interactions in your CRM or any tool that accepts incoming emails.

Automatic BCC is available on the Pro and Business plans and can be configured from Settings > Compose. Simply enter the email address(es) you would like to BCC:

Once you have your CRM-specific email address, you can add it to the “Automatic BCC” compose setting in Shortwave. After that, any email you draft will by default include those addresses on the BCC line (but you can manually remove them from the BCC field of a draft before sending).

Use automatic forwarding to log incoming emails in your CRM

Automatic forwarding is a Gmail feature that lets you forward your incoming email to another email address, and you can optionally use Gmail filters to control which emails get forwarded. Shortwave users can take advantage of these features to ensure that incoming email messages get logged into their CRM.

To start, find an email address that your CRM can use to receive incoming emails.  Oftentimes you can just use an address that is already associated with your CRM (e.g. or Alternatively, your CRM may have a built-in email address that you can use.

Once you have an email address for your CRM, configure Gmail forwarding with that address. Note that Gmail will send a confirmation message to the CRM email address you configure. This should show up in your CRM, so you’ll need to find the email in your CRM and click the confirmation link. Once the email address is confirmed, you can go back into Gmail settings to finish the forwarding configuration.